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I'm a CS student at [coming soon] with several fun projects. And yes, I love the 90's theme (but I can also do modern stuff!)
Technical jargon: Once I loved C++ and dealing with hardware. While you won't see many things here written in a low-level language, I use it all the time in quick hacks for memory modification and linux utils. Every tool has its place, so it doesn't make sense to do webdev with C++ (though I did it once. I learned my lesson). But in the end, I've outgrown my love for tools. In the age of AI, marrying to a specific way of doing things is obsolete.

Technical jargon: I OCR'd, sanitized and parsed the physical dictionary with a Python script. I've done the heavy lifting, so (hopefully) no one else has to! I used the Bible for my corpus, but I also incorporated other sources. The tech stack is ReactJS + Gatsby + Cloudflare. Due to limitations in the number of pages (20,000), I figured a workaround to make half the pages static and the rest dynamic. Static = Good SEO = $$$
An OpenNMT 3 translation model based on transformers for Guarani and Spanish

And the paper?
I will write and publish my results at [coming soon] once I get a chance to train further my model with a better machine. (And also because local universities here don't let you publish as an undergraduate or outsider. Alas.) Meanwhile, you can access the code here.fstabgen
Simple program that adds fstab entries.
Did you get a "Failed to mount /etc/fstab" error? This is a linux utility that lets you comfortably modify your fstab without having to worry about format or mistakes. Plus, it's written in Rust.

Do you have something non-CS?
I do. I conducted research at my HS, and it had to be related to the natural sciences, so I decided to develop a bioplastic. Here is the abstract for the research (the rest of the document is in Spanish. If interested, you can email me.)
Plastic pollution is a global problem that contributes to environmental degradation. Bioplastics made from gelatin and other materials are a solution to this problem. The objectives of this work were: to determine the feasibility of the elaboration, the uses, the organoleptic characteristics, and the procedures used to generate bioplastic based on gelatin and yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis). For the formulation of the films, 2%, 5%, 10%, 20% (m/v) gelatin solutions were prepared, glycerol was added as a plasticizer at 20% and 41.6% with respect to gelatin. The material was optimized using a mixture with the following composition: glycerol (2 g), yerba mate (4 g), gelatin (20 g) in an aqueous solution to which vinegar (110 mL water and 10 mL vinegar) was added, with a mixing time of 3.5 min at 80 °C ± 10 °C. Based on the results, it is feasible to make bioplastics based on gelatin and yerba mate.
keywords: Gelatin, Ilex paraguariensis, Glycerol, Bioplastic
Found a bug?
As with every piece of software, this site is a work in progress, so mistakes can happen. If you notice any bug or mistake, please let me know.